Classic Moments

17 October 2012

The perfect Script

The Script wanted to keep it simple. Four million followers on Facebook and more than a million on Twitter would want nothing more or less from the Irish trio whose mantra has always been "music for the head, heart and feet".

The album would be called three - reflecting the number of members in the group - Danny O'Donoghue, Mark Sheehan and Glenn Power - the fact that it was their third album and it was being recorded in Studio 3 at Battersea's Sphere Studios where Adele recorded her breakthrough album and Muse have made their second home. 

On the eve of the dates set down for recording, O'Donoghue got an invitation to be a judge, along with Black Eyed Pea on the British version of The Voice. 

"It was hard to kind of juggle that with the studio time but we managed to do it," Power says in an interview from Sydney where The Script have been signing off on dates for an arena tour which they hope will also include a stopover in New Zealand. 

"We all thought it would be good for the band. We are just three good mates who like to hang out together and make music but we'd never really had a public face to the band." 

"We don't go for the whole celebrity thing because we understand the illusion of fame, how it is created and what kind of monster it can become. When we meet people on the street who come up to us and say they love the music, they are the people we want to hang out with." 

While on the show, O'Donoghue developed a close friendship with, who enthused over one particular track The Script were working on - Hall Of Fame. 

"Danny had played him the track," Power says. "He really liked it. He wanted it for himself. It was like 'no, no you can do it with us'. We were very lucky to get him on it. He did such a good job. A lot of people who have heard the track have commented that they don't know when it's Glenn and when it's Will. He stopped into our world, whereas I think if we had stepped into his world it would have been a car crash." 

The story goes that it was more of a smash and grab. One night after The Voice, was heading back to his hotel when O'Donoghue grabbed him and took him down to the studio where he cut the song in one take. 

"I'm not sure if we owe him." Power says of the song that has already been a No 1 in 12 countries. "I think it's going to benefit both parties. I think everyone is on a plus because of this, so i think we owe each other." 

Source: Stuff.Co.Nz

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The Script

The Script