Classic Moments

24 January 2014

Autographed Guitar Danny O' Donoghue The Script

In perfect condition complete with a rainbow coloured strap and guitar carry case.. Signed by Danny O' Donoghue from The Script. This guitar has been played by many a famous hand :) I will quote that it is not Danny's actual guitar, but he has played it many times.....

This guitar is being sold to raise funds for Olivia Doyle, a little girl who is under palliative care in Crumlin Children's Hospital, Dublin. We are desperately trying to raise funds so that Olivia can spend her final days with her sisters and her mum. Please dig deep, this is a very worth cause.

Please visit her facebook page

I will provide proof of this if anyone needs it, and I am Danny from The Scripts sister and I am trying to help this little girl.

Source: Andi O'Donoghue


  1. I'm really sorry if I'm wrong but in a post by the script on their facebook page they basically showed how they came up with the mane The Script so their handwriting was distinctly visible there
    if that was written by Danny ( and not mark or glen) then this one isnt.
    And why isn't there his authentic signature (I dont think the above is)
    Heaven forbid if i'm wrong but if i'm right then popularity and respect people have for a person are hurted as they are misused through this post.

    By Lord's grace may the health of the child prosper and she be well.
    Dont bid for Danny's guitar (I cant bid as i'm a minor and don't earn) but bid for that child's smile and for the mother's heart that couldnt afford to lose it.

  2. It is signed by Danny and it is his sister Andi who has it put up for sale. Danny's sister works for Festina Lente and if you go to their page you will see. Andi has worked hard to get Olivia home and The Script family are right behind her.

  3. Also if you look closely at 1 of the pictures you will see what Danny has written Danny has had this signature for around 3 years now, it looks different to his quick one but this is how he writes it in full Take a look at the facebook page I have a link to. This is Olivia and you can read her story there. Danny was sitting with Andi and their mum when it first went live for auction and they all cried at seeing how fast The Script family were working and also constant tweeting of it

  4. Sadly Olivia will not get well she is terminal and it is going to take at least €200 a day to get her home with nurses and equipment, we are trying to gt her home so she can spend her last days at home with her family

  5. Anonymous, If you check the page again please make an effort to go to "
    This will clarify all the notions.
    However it is rightly said dont just bid for the guitar the above page has furthermore details how you can help the child directly.
    Even €1 from each person could help her and more than her her family. Do it just because you are healthy enough to view this message.
    Save the little angel.


    I think these are the photos being talked about
    I'm not a handwriting expert if there is one go ahead checking it

  7. Does anyone know if their Blackpool and Leeds concert was cancelled because of this?


    Dont know about the full but his general autographs

    And i see sth like the guitar one :-'donoghue+autograph&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=XePxUpmoG4GyrgfzlICIDg&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1241&bih=606#facrc=_&imgdii=_&'

    Thats enough proof I assume

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