Classic Moments

22 September 2013

The Queen tells Danny O’Donoghue: Move Glastonbury (7th June 2013)

The Script frontman said the Queen had suggested a great way to guarantee a mud-free Glastonbury.

Danny O’Donoghue, a coach on BBC programme ‘The Voice’, has told Channel 5 News that the Queen has proposed moving Glastonbury to a less muddy time of year.

Alongside his band The Script, O’Donoghue today performed for her at Broadcasting House.

He said: “The Queen said: ‘Glastonbury, that’s the place with all the mud isn’t it?’ I said ‘You’re going to have to probably bring your wellies if you want to go.’

“She said they had picked a terrible time of year for it and that they should pick a different time of year.

“Everybody has been trying to figure out the Glastonbury problem – the Queen just figured it out.”

O’Donoghue said performing for the Queen was “really surreal” and that it was a relief to have remembered all his lyrics.

Source: Channel 5 / DannyODonoghue.Net (An interview 7/6/13)

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