Here we have a tour update and pictures of The Coronas on tour with The Script in February 2011 written by Danny O’Reilly.
THE CORONAS and THE SCRIPT ~ Last Shots of the Tour
This European leg of the tour was amazing with The Script. Here is a pic of all of us together.
February 17th, 2011 :: DANNY ~ The last two and a half weeks has seen us play to over 20,000 people across 9 countries. We’ve lived in relative luxury on a savage tour bus, seen some amazing cities and made loads of friends along the way. Our support tour to one of the biggest bands in the world at the moment, The Script, has finally come to an end and we’ll never forget it. The tour literally couldn’t have gone much better for us. The venues were full for our sets, the crowd reaction was unbelievable for an opening act, and we actually played as tight as we ever have.
To be honest though, for me, the best thing about the tour is not all that stuff. Its the fact that it gave me a glimpse into what I want our lives to be like (as a headline act) for the next 10 to 15 years, maybe more. I could sit here and tell ya’s that I’m content with where we are as a band right now and that we don’t have ambition to be the best and biggest band we can be, but anyone who knows me properly would know I’d be lying.
Getting to know Danny, Mark and Glen was not only cool because they’re a savage band and genuinely lovely people but because they openly discussed their meteoric rise over the past few years with a “we know you guys can do it too” sort of attitude and it meant loads to us. Massive thank yous to Danny, Mark, Glen, Ben, Quinner, Colin, Mark “da scouse”, Bob, Matt, Mini, Ritchie, Jamie, Jonty, and Perry for being so sound to us and for making it so easy.
And so our own adventure begins. Starting today in Portland, Oregon, finishing in Chicago on Paddys Day with 15 or so shows in between. Of course it’s to a smaller scale. The biggest venue’s capacity on this tour of North America is just over 500 (Lisbon had 3,900 sold out) but it’s our own tour, our own adventure and there’s nowhere we’d rather be… OK that last line is a bit corny but ya’s know what I’m getting at!
Backstage Mark of The Script & Us ~ Lisbon ~ February 15, 2011
Mark Sheehan – Danny O’Donoghue & Our Danny O Backstage ~ February 12, 2011
Mark & The Dannys Backstage ~ Milan
The Danny O’s (Danny O’Reilly & Danny O’Donoghue) Backstage ~ Milan February 12, 2012
Danny O’Reilly & Danny O’Donoghue and Conor backstage at Alcatraz in Milan between sets
Glen Power & Danny O’Reilly Chat Backstage ~ February 12, 2012
Glen Power of THE SCRIPT & Danny hang out backstage @ Alcatraz show ~ Milan
Mark Sheehan ~THE SCRIPT~ Chats with Knoxy ~ February 10, 2011
Knoxy and Mark Sheehan of The Script agree it was another great gig @ Komplex 457 in Zurich
Danny O’Donoghue of THE SCRIPT Shoots THE CORONAS ~ February 9, 2011
Danny O’Donoghue of THE SCRIPT shoots THE CORONAS on stage.
The DANNY-O’s…Danny O’Reilly & Danny O’Donoghue of The Script, checking out some pix. Impromptu photo shoot today during soundcheck with Danny O’Donoghue taking the photos
Source: Danny O'Reilly / Edited: DannyODonoghue.Net
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