Classic Moments

19 March 2013

St. Paddy’s Day withdrawal? Have no fear, THE SCRIPT is here!

Although St Patrick’s Day is over, you won’t have to wait an entire year to enjoy a little bit of Irish culture. In fact, Irish rock band THE SCRIPT is rockin’ the airwaves with their PLATINUM album, “#3.” Check out this EXCLUSIVE interview, as transcribed by VG reporter Stephanie!!

Q:How did you come up with the name The Script?
A:We were living in LA at the time, and I think Mark mentioned the name The Script, and we all ended up really liking it. We thought it was a really fun name, it kind of reflected a lot on our song writing. The more that we were writing away with the songs, we realized that the songs, the videos, our ideas had a script to it. The name just stuck and so we stuck with the name ever since!

Q:How did you meet Mark and Glenn?
A: I met Mark way back in Dublin when I was a teenager. We were both into the same things, same type of music, and became friends. We started writing songs together and it just, became a matter of hanging out. A number of years had passed and we (Mark and I) started producing song writers. We had a lot of success, and at times no success…in 2005 we met Glenn in America, and that was when “The Script” was formed.

Q: How do you think that your upbringing has influenced your music?
A: I come from a very musical background, and ever since I was a kid, I was very very heavy into beats, bands, and finding out what’s new and stuff. So I guess it was just natural for the way our music to sound like what it does now.

Q: It says on your bio page that people from Ireland have “soul.” Would you be able to tell our readers what that means?
A: Well Irish people definitely have a lot of soul because for a number of years, we were held down, you know? We’re not different from anybody else, but due to the war of the Irish people I think we’ve got a level of depth because of our culture. Because of our heritage and how old our nation is…there’s not another country in the world that has a musical emblem on their passport! We have a musical emblem as our shield!

Q: I hear that you just launched a new album called #3, how was your new album received by your fans?
A: Well it’s called number 3, or hash tag 3, depending on how old you are! It’s a really really full record. I guess for the past few records, we were kind of finding our feeling. We would kind of write music not knowing what the outcome would be. But now we’ve got two tours and two albums down, we've got a fairly good idea of the sound we want. The song “Hall of Fame” has been the biggest hit we've ever had. I just think that’s incredible that even a band this day and age on their third album are still making waves and getting bigger and bigger! I just think it’s great, you know.

Q: I love the song Six Degrees of Separation, who was this song written about?
A: It was written about my break-up that happened when I was a on a show called The Voice UK. The release of the song was meant to describe to people who couldn’t feel what was going on in my life at the time. I was heading to the studio to write songs with the lads, and Mark was like, “let’s write a song about what happened.” The lyrics started to resonate, and next thing you know, the fans are going crazy over this song!

Q: Do you have a favourite song on your new album?
A: That’s really hard. I love “Hurricane”, the whole vibe of it, it’s not my favourite, but it’s a brilliant song. “Glowing” is a brilliant song. The single, “Six Degrees of Separation,” it’s really hard to pick one, I really can’t!

Q: Tell us one thing you can’t find by Googling your name?
A: I don’t drive, I have no license, and I have no interest in driving! Thanks!

VG: Thanks Danny, good luck in Toronto!

Source: Vervegirl via The Script Online

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The Script

The Script