Classic Moments

19 November 2012

How to write the perfect script?

The Script have just arrived back in the UK after their sell out promotional trip around the world for their hit album #3. So this made all of us in the office curious (Especially the girls!) what is the perfect script of the writing process for them. 

DW: What is one of the most important things you need while you are working on new songs? 

Danny: A good ole cup of Irish tea. It doesn’t sound very rock an roll but we can’t function without it. 
Mark: Got to be one of the best things about coming home. 
Danny: Make sure Rina doesn’t see this interview she will kill him. 

DW: Okay, so a cup of tea. What else do you need, where do your ideas and inspiration come from? 

Glen: That’s simple, anywhere and everywhere. It can be something we have experienced or we have seen. 
Danny: Great Glen, now everyone thinks it’s easy.
Mark: Glen is right it can be anything that sets you off, say a row with a girlfriend something like that.. (Danny Butts in)
Danny: Mind you it isn’t that simple, you can be having a row with your girlfriend and it gives you a really good idea, you can’t really say ‘hold on, I have to write this down’. 

DW: Most of your songs are very sad, but it seems to work with the fans. 

Glen: It seems to work for us, our fans know our songs are written from the heart, but all our lyrics have a different meaning to all the fans and we know they feel it too in whatever way if effects them.
Danny: I always say our albums should come with a free bottle of wine and a razor blade, If everything was perfect and happy in life we might not have anything to write about. 

DW: Thinking about your songs and your passion for songs do you ever argue? 

Glen: I am either the referee if needed or I just keep out of the way. When Danny and Mark really fight it’s nasty.
Mark: It’s only because we care about what we do. If Danny has a crap night on stage I f****** tell him.
Danny: You do it more than I do. Seriously though me and Mark do have some really bad rows, but it is because we both want to give 100% to the fans so if we feel it didn’t go well we say to each other where we think THEY went wrong. 
Glen: If our management or record label saw them they would think the band were splitting up.
Mark: Yeah but once we’ve got it out of our systems the row is all forgotten and we concentrate on making things better. 

DW: All sounds very scary, so you forgive each other and go for a drink to make up? 

Mark: No not really we are like brothers we have all known each other for a long, long time now. Now a drink is a totally different story and I am sure everyone has heard this before but it is true. Danny is the ultimate ‘Drunk Dialler’, 3, 4 in the morning you can get a drunken call or text telling you how much he loves you. As in the song ‘Give the love around’ and Danny certainly tries too. 
Danny: Yeah but I don’t remember doing it.
Mark: He’s a nightmare, you have to keep it on your phone to show him the next day he has no idea. 
Glen: The song nothing is based on Danny. 

DW: How do you feel about Danny doing the voice, Do we see the real Danny O’Donoghue? 

Mark: Yep you sure do. He’s so embarrassing jumping on chairs and dancing around! I throw stuff at the TV when he’s on. But no he is passionate about music and it shows, and yes you now see the Danny we know. He is crazy and never stops talking or laughing. I’m just surprised they can stop him swearing, every other word is f*** with him.
Danny: Yeah I spend all day in the dressing room swearing like hell to get it out of my system, but if you f*** up on live TV you can’t take it back. 

DW: Well, thank you for speaking to us, one last thing next time can you pop into the office as we have a lot of ladies who wanted to do this today? 

Danny: Sure how many, when and where? 

On that last note we leave The Script to go back to their work which is rehearsing for Children In Need. 

Source: Dublin Weekender

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The Script

The Script