Classic Moments

31 October 2012

Irish band The Script receives ‘warm and nurturing’ welcome in Chicago

The Irish roots of Chicago run deep. It’s no surprise then that The Script — an alternative rock group that comprises three Ireland natives — received plenty of support for their Oct. 27 show at the Aragon Ballroom.

Lead singer Danny O’Donoghue worked his way into the crowds to provide the band’s fans just what they wanted.

“We always try and connect with the fans,” said Glen Power, The Script’s drummer. “Danny has the opportunity as the frontman to be mobile. I’m on the kit. With Twitter @TheScript, it is possible to stay connected with the fans. Without the fan base we don’t have a career.”

O’Donoghue, Power and Mark Sheehan — the band’s guitarist — see many of their countrymen when stateside. 

“This is our fourth or fifth time in Chicago,” Power said. “In general, in America, we meet a lot of Irish.” 

The intimate setting of the Aragon fit the demographic of the band’s fans perfectly. Attendees of the show ranged from children to seniors. 

“It’s great to see a mother and a father at a show with their young kids,” Power said. “A lot of times kids like a certain kind of music but their parents would hate it. 

“Great vibe at Aragon,  It’s a great venue. Warm and nurturing.” 

On their United States tour, the band is traveling around the country via bus and do not get to enjoy many of the cities they stop in. 

While in Chicago, they were able to enjoy a drink or two with some friends that live in the city. 

“We went to The Green Mill where Al Capone used to drink,” Power said. “We have a lot of friends in Chicago.” 

Source: Sun-Times Media

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The Script

The Script