Classic Moments

21 October 2012

A pint of Guinness with Danny O’Donoghue

The Script frontman, 32, takes Fabulous for a pint of Irish holy water to tell us the truth about The Voice, his new album and what really happened with Bo Bruce. 

Danny and Fabulous‘ Danielle get stuck into the black stuff

Where The Duke of York, St John’s Wood, London 

That pint seems to be going down very easily, Danny! 
Well I’m from Dublin so of course I love Guinness. We’ve got a song on the new album called Good Ol’ Days about being down the pub with mates, and it would be perfect for a Guinness commercial. Do you think they might sign me up for an endorsement deal? 

Haven’t you got enough on? 
This year has been so, so bloody busy. I’ve filmed The Voice, we’ve been in the studio recording our new album, we’ve got a UK tour then a tour in Australia. 

Wow, you are a busy boy. Now spill the beans, are you going to return to the next series of The Voice? 
If they’ll have me – I have to wait and see, but a slot’s been cleared in our schedule in case I go back. Though
I hear they had to spend more time editing out my cursing than they did making those spinning chairs! 

Danny and Bo duet on The Voice

Potty mouth! You’ve found time to record a new album though… 
I think we hit an emotional level with this album. There’s a song called If You Could See Me Now, which is about my father Shay passing away nearly four years ago, and Mark’s [Sheehan, Danny’s band mate] mum and dad who died when he was 12. The place he feels able to let his feelings out is in a song. 

Is that how you and Bo Bruce got so close on The Voice, because you could empathise with her losing her mum? 
I knew a bit of what she was going through, and what she had to do to get out and go on stage every week was very special. 

There are rumours you split with your girlfriend [model Irma Mali, 28] and started dating Bo during the show… 
Nothing happened. When you’re on a show like that, the interest is crazy. I worked closely with Bo, but she’s got new management so we’re not in contact. 

What did Irma make of it all? 
She says they can say whatever they want. She’s a very solid and good person. I’m sure it affects her though. 

You were together for four years, do you think you’ll get back together? 
I do still wear her ring, but I suppose I’m young, free and single. It’s difficult because any potential suitors are going to be sitting there thinking: “Oh I’m not going to date him, I’m going to end up in every paper from here to Timbuktu.” 

You must be getting loads of female attention after the show, though? 
The amount of knickers I’ve been sent have reached Tom Jones levels! It’s a nice feeling having everyone wanting to shake my hand. 

The Voice’s ratings were quite disappointing. Would you make any changes to the new series? 

I’m not a TV man, I do the music. It’s hard to keep 12 million people happy, but the chair rounds were brilliant. I guess the last live round felt like it was drawn out a little bit so I think they are looking into changing that. Or maybe get rid of me! No, that’s a joke. I want to come back I had a f*****g great time! 

The Damage - Pints of Guinness sunk 2
Times he dropped the F Bomb - 59 (he whispers it in a sexy Irish accent so it doesn’t sound so bad) 
Over-emotional women interrupting the interview to ask for a picture - 1 

Source: Fabulous Magazine (Published 21/10/12) / Edited: DannyODonoghue.Net

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