Classic Moments

13 July 2012

Reggie Yates reveals Danny O’Donoghue’s guilty secret

Reggie (presenter on The Voice UK)  talking about Danny
Danny is amazing and I’m not just saying that because I’m obviously here with Pentax. He’s a huge photographer as well, he actually loves photography. We were all out the other night err, Jessie, Danny and myself for a ...... party for London’s collections. We were all hanging out and half of the party I spent with Danny looking at photos on his phone. (laughs) And I was showing him my photos as well, there are tons of people out there who are into photography you just don’t know about it and hes one of them. And if you are one of those people we need you .....

Is that one of your geeky passions the two of you?

Yeah massively, yeah it was weird ‘cause we sort of only found out half way through the series that we were both into photos. He sort of ran around the set taking photos of everyone back stage and his pictures are actually really, really beautiful.

Source: Yahoo OMG / Interviewer: Rebecca

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