Classic Moments

20 June 2012

Jessie J to return to BBC's The Voice

According to tabloid reports the singer who appears as a coach on the talent show has signed up to the second series.

It follows the announcement last week that the UK version of the show, airing on BBC One, is the most successful entertainment series the channel has launched in the past ten years.

The series had an average in overnights of 9.2million and a 38.5% share with the Sunday results show averaging 6.9million/29.9%. Following the success, despite criticism from the press and some viewers, the BBC has confirmed that a second series will return next year.

The future of Jessie J, Sir Tom Jones, and Danny O’Donoghue as star coaches had been seemingly under review when the producers of the programme decided changes needed to be made to the format which launched in the Netherlands as The Voice of Holland in 2010. The format, which in early stages sees coaches ‘hear’ but not ‘see’ contestants, has since become a hit in several countries, however the BBC version was met with a mixed reception.

The Daily Star suggests in today’s edition that the alterations to The Voice UK won’t effect Jessie’s role on the show with ‘a source’ close to the celebrity saying “Jessie has signed on the dotted line and will definitely be back for another series….She did find some of it tougher than she expected but the­ positives outweighed the ­negatives so she’s chosen to come back.”

The first UK version wrapped up earlier this month with Leanne Mitchell, one of Sir Tom’s prodigies, being crowned the winner. The series had a consolidated average of 9.2million and a 38.5% share, making it the most successful entertainment series over the past decade on the BBC. If reports are true Jessie is lined up for £500K to return to the second series..

Source: ATV Today

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