Classic Moments

26 March 2013


Danny’s role in the Beeb show has seen The Script’s fame grow

DANNY O'DONOGHUE has received an unexpected boobs bonus after becoming The Voice’s most charming coach.

His female fans keep whipping off their tops whenever he’s on stage with his band The Script.

The singer and his bandmates – guitarist Mark Sheehan and drummer Glen Power – struggle to keep straight faces as they discuss their flashing fans.

As I join them in Brighton ahead of the end of their arena tour, Danny, 32, reveals: “There’s a few flashers now who wait till the last song and get their boobs out.”

Mark adds, with a glint in his eye: “It gets really funny when they do it together. 

“They plan the moment and then take their tops off. We’re trying to do a show, for f***’s sake. A song like Hall Of Fame is not really a boob song, but that’s the way it is.

“It’s become a thing where we take a Twitter stage pic every night and the fans are all writing the rudest signs possible. It’s a terrible job, really hard.”

With two No 1 albums under their belts and their latest, #3, only just pipped to the post at No 2, The Script are rivalling U2 as one of the biggest Irish bands in the world.

They credit Danny’s move into TV for taking them from a radio act to one that has been discovered by a wider public.

“There’s been a surge of people wanting to know what’s going on with Danny’s band and realising: ‘Oh that’s them,’” says Mark, 36. 

Danny adds: “You feel like you let your hair down emotionally – that’s what a Script gig is like.” 

With the second series of The Voice starting on Saturday, he is looking forward to boozy backstage antics with Tom Jones, 72, hair-raisers with Jessie J, 24, and ticking off, 38, for poor time-keeping.

“Tom gets the biggest dressing room – he’s Tom Jones for f***’s sake,” laughs Danny.

“At the end of the night inevitably we’re going to be in his room anyway. We drink in there all the time. He’s a great guy.”

The Script are giving Jessie’s new shaved head a big thumbs-up.

Danny insists: “I think she should’ve gone bald a long time ago. She looks great.” 

Mark agrees. He says: “As a bald man to a bald woman, she looks good. She has the right head shape for it.” 

While Danny put his hand in his pocket and sponsored Jessie’s brave move for Comic Relief, he also let her and The Voice host Holly Willoughby, 32, wax his chest for the charity.

He admitted: “It didn’t take long. In fairness that’s not a bad trade-off, getting your hair ripped off by those two hotties.”

Mark chuckles: “He’d look like a dead spider with legs if he shaved his hair off.”

Making friends with on the show resulted in the collaboration Hall Of Fame, which gave The Script their first No 1 single. 

Mark reveals: “When we performed it together in America on the Ellen show, will got there at the last second. The curtain was about to go up and we were like: ‘Please, please turn up.’ Then he did. It was live.”

Taking their latest tour around the world is next on the agenda for the band, who play the Virgin Media V Festival in August in Staffordshire and Chelmsford and June’s Isle Of Wight Festival.

Glen, 32, confirmed: “We’ve put a lot of money into this tour, the visual side of it, and it’s paying off now. We put the live stream on for St Patrick’s Day and got 90,000 viewers.”

Mark adds: “We’re a bit more relaxed now. We were a bit like rabbits in the headlights at first, because the stages were getting massively bigger. It took a bit of getting used to. Now everybody is comfortable in their own skin.”

The Script’s latest album #3, featuring new single If You Could See Me Now and Hall Of Fame, is out now.

Source: Daily Star

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The Script