Classic Moments

23 March 2013

Danny O'Donoghue Interview For Media Release Pack.

How has filming for the second series gone?
Yeah it's gone really well!!!!!! The second time around is always going to be easier than the first. We have had such a laugh being back together and everyone has got on brilliantly. Everyone is really enthusiastic.

Are you more competitive this time around?
Always. I kind of need to up my game. I don't want Tom to win again!

What are you looking for?
You need someone that as soon as you hear them sing on the radio, you are going to know it is their voice. There are a lot of great voices out there but you need voices that are even harder to find. You need to have something that, now matter where you hear them, you know who they are. I believe I have got it.

Have you been meaner or nicer this year?
I am just myself I am honest.

Have you been blown away by the standard of the talent?
Yes, The voice is an incredible music show and there are some great singers. It's a great platform for the artists and anyone who comes on the show is really on course to enjoy great success.

Have you found the winner?
I am always trying to fight for my team and I know I am in there with a shot!

Do you agree with the format changes?
Overall the changes are really, really great. They bring jeopardy into the show and it's been really good fun. I have loved the banter with the other coaches. At the end of the day, we are there to find the next talented artist in the UK. You can do that and have a lot of fun too.

Thanks to The Voice, you and worked together on a song.
I know. Amazing. I loved working with Will. We went into the recording studio and I did the track on the last days of recording the voice.

Do you think The Voice has helped raise you own band's profile?
Yes of course. Going on a TV show where we got millions of viewers in an amazing opportunity for us as a band - and also for rock bands. We need to be on this platform.We are also helping our other bands as I think it is important for band to be represented on a TV show like The Voice.

Do you still keep in touch with last year's team?
Yes I do. We have had Max in the studio. I wrote a track for Bo. They are both doing great.

Source: BBC Press Pack / DannyODonoghue (Media subscription)

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