Classic Moments

16 November 2012

The Script Discuss The Making Of #3

The Script just recently concluded a stint of shows in the states in support of their latest album, #3. The release marks the band’s third record since 2008 and has already produced the U.K. number one single, “Hall of Fame,” featuring 

With already two successful albums to their name, The Script was feeling at ease and confident when heading to London to record the new LP. In only four short years, the group has toured relentlessly, scored big with hits such as “Breakeven” and “For the First Time,” and made multiple televised performances. Needless to say, the pressure surrounding the group prior to recording wasn’t as high in comparison with previous years. In addition, The Script benefited greatly from working tirelessly on the record while spending many hours (and sometimes days) in the studio at a time. 

“It was really easy actually,” said guitarist, Mark Sheehan, when talking with Alternative Addiction. “Instead of spending six months on the record, we only spent four this time around. We had all these ideas and we tried not to think about anybody else so we just locked ourselves away and thought to ourselves, ‘do we like this? Is this something we would listen to and buy?’ And we have this thing in the band where if we can’t play it live then we don’t want to put it on the record. So we made sure we played through all the songs and made certain we really liked them; so it felt like a much more organic process. Not to say that the last two records are not my favorites; I actually really love them, but I just feel this one was a little bit more accomplished.” 

During recording sessions, lead singer Danny O’Donoghue was actually preoccupied filming the U.K. version of the hit TV show, The Voice. The show, which has become a commercial success in the United States, is a more or less a spin-off of the American Idol series and is seen by some music fans as a bit superficial and overdone. For these reasons, the group was initially skeptical about having O’Donoghue participate as a judge. Ultimately though, the Dublin trio decided it was the right move to make and to some degree, it’s difficult to argue with them; for instance, just take a look at Maroon 5 frontman, Adam Levine. After signing on to be a judge for the show in 2011, the singer soon became a household name and Maroon 5 started to receive more exposure than ever before – The Script were clearly hoping for similar results.

“Our lead singer, Danny, was doing a show in the U.K. called The Voice where he was a judge. That was a nice decision for us because we never put our faces on our albums before and we have always stayed away from that stuff. But we just felt we’re getting to a point in the modern day music industry where we really needed to put a face to this band and had to push our group forward and be shameless about it. So Danny doing that show really helped us in a way but he was working throughout those shifts and coming in right from doing the TV show. I’d be producing the record all day so once he’d come in, he’d produce it with me. We just tried our best to carve out what we felt was a really strong Script album. But we didn’t see daylight for a long time, I think my skin changed color; I feel like I look like a Simpson character now.” 

Considering Mark and Danny’s friendship dates back to their childhood, the two clearly have a great understanding of each other both as musicians and people. Undoubtedly, this has benefited the group immensely in the studio when band is working on new material and especially when the two collaborate behind the sound board. And though Mark noted he and Danny are quite different individuals, the reality is they seem to have the perfect yin and yang relationship that enables the group to make great music. 
“We work well because we pick up each other’s slack. He’s quite a melodic guy while I’m very much focused on the rhythm and the feel of a song. So we do clash an awful lot when it comes to ideas. But despite the fact we’re so different as people, our songwriting style really falls on good ears because musically I totally understand him and he totally understands me…we do fight all the time but we’ve been friends since we were kids. Sometimes you can’t see eye to eye but music brings us together all the time.” 

Because The Script’s debut album was released in 2008, some listeners may not realize that the group has actually been together since 2001 and seen their fair share of hard times. Because of this, it’s been rather easy for the group to stay grounded during all of their recent success and if anything, their newfound notoriety is only motivating the group to work harder and make even better music. 

“We’ve been unsuccessful for way longer than we’ve been successful. So when you’re used to it raining on you all the time and then suddenly the sun starts to shine, you can’t help but to look up and wait for it to rain again. For me, as we go through this I’m constantly looking up to see if it’s going to rain on us again; you know will people start walking out of our shows or will the rug just get pulled out from underneath us as at any moment? But I also think it gives you a sense of urgency and an appreciation for where you are and what you want to do. And the fans know that and they know when it comes to shows, we hang around after every performance and try to spend as much time with them as we can. We always try to give back; we feel that karma is reciprocal and when you give what you can, then that love comes back your way.” 

Now established as one of the premiere musical acts in both Europe and the U.S., everyday life has changed dramatically for the guys of The Script. O’Donoghue and Sheehan have become celebrities in their home country of Ireland and as Sheehan expressed, while he’s flattered by the admiration, all the attention has also been a little strange – especially when you take into account only a short while ago O’Donoghue and Sheehan were sacrificing everything just to make it into the business.

“It was a crazy journey. Right now we can’t go home much anymore because everyone knows us wherever we go. That’s a little bit strange to deal with but it’s all part of what we really wanted in life…so while on one side of your life you really appreciate it, you also can’t help but think it’s f*cking weird. I feel like Forest Gump in those moments where you see him with the President or with Elvis; he just shows up at all these important events and occasions and he’s saying to himself, ‘what the f*ck am I doing here?” 

The Script plan to promote #3 throughout the rest of 2012 and will continue to do so in 2013. Also the song, “Good Ol’ Days” has been recognized as a fan favorite during the group’s most recent tours and could be selected as the album’s next single in the near future. 

Source: Alternative Addiction

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The Script

The Script